Kindergarten Orientation for the 2024-2025 school year will take place on Monday, June 17 at 7 PM in the Library Media Center in the Upper School. All incoming Kindergarten parents are asked to save the date!
January 21 marks the Feast Day of Saint Agnes, the Patroness of the Diocese of Rockville Centre. To commemorate the 1,720th anniversary of St. Agnes’ martyrdom, Bishop Barres has issued this pastoral letter: “To Christ Alone I Give My Undivided Love – Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr Patroness of the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 28, 2024 with the 9:00 AM Mass in St. Aidan Church. Immediately following Mass, our school buildings will be hosting an Open House for ALL from 10:00 AM-12:30 PM. Feel free to visit the classrooms and celebrate our wonderful school and the gift of Catholic Education. Please share the information with any family, friends and neighbors who may want to learn more about St. Aidan School. We appreciate you sharing the good news!
PACE is running the Super Bowl Raffle again this year. Each box is 20 points. Sign up will be available in person at all PACE Events between now and February. Please contact Billy Herr for more details: [email protected]