In Pre-K, the students will learn to write and recognize their name, the alphabet, number, shapes, cut, and listen / follow directions through various hands-on activities. Circle time may include discussion, book of the day (possibly related to season, holiday or letter of the week) songs, finger plays, patterns, days of the week or other learning experiences. Socialization and self-awareness are developed through sharing and play. In addition, Christian values are incorporated into the curriculum through daily prayers, attending Mass, and our Religion series which is designed just for our pre-k children
Welcome to Pre K -2
The children are doing awesome. They are settling into a routine. They are adjusting to the long days. Some are still asking to go home around lunch time, but they are toughing it out. Here's what we did this week.
In ELA - we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, By: Bill Martin Jr. We all looked for the first letter in our names. We identified and traced our first letter. We made a class book called Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Look Who's in Our Classroom. I will be forwarding it to you this week so you can learn the names of our new friends. We did a coconut tree coloring book. The children had to listen to clues to determine what color to color the tree. We also made our coconut tree hats. They did great!
We practiced lines we will be learning about this year. So far we have talked about straight lines. We traced them, and walked in a straight line on a balance beam. We talked about curved lines also. We had to move around cones on the floor in a curved pattern. We also traced curved lines. Next up is slanted and zigzag!
In Art class - we read the book The Dot. Our art project was decorating a dot for a school wide project. We had some colorful, creative dots!
In Religion - we have learned a morning prayer and a snack/lunch prayer. I am very impressed with how fast they have learned them. We began our religion series this week. Chapter 1 was about Jesus gathering friends. We talked about how we gather together to learn about God.
In Math - we are reviewing shapes and colors. We will begin our math series this week.
We had Gym class in our room on Friday. The children had a ball. They had know idea what Gym was. We set up an obstacle course in the room. They had to crawl under, over and on different things. THEY LOVED IT!!!
We played Limbo, the Apple game , and practiced skipping.
Snack, lunch, and rest are going well. Recess has been a big hit, but first I needed to explain what it is.
It was a really great first week. I look forward to many more.
If you have not had a chance to send in the rest of the supplies, please do so as soon as you can.
If you have an questions or concerns, I can be reached at [email protected]
See below for Orientation packet. |
**Class Schedule: Full Day Pre-K: 8:00 AM-2:30 PM
The Pre-K program follows the St. Aidan School calendar. We will not be doing a formal school calendar this year due to Covid-19. Mrs. O’Connell did send out a summary calendar with date of days off and other information. I will email a copy to everyone. We will follow this summary calendar. Mrs. O’Connell will also advise everyone of events in the future. I will send weekly emails as well as a monthly newsletter with important information pertaining to the class. Conferences will be held with the teacher twice a year, in December and March. **Arrival A mask is required of all students for arrival and dismissal! Please arrive by 8:00 AM. We will be using a car line in front of the Lower School. Cars will head South on Willis Ave. to the St. Francis Garden (area between Lower School and Church). Our team of temperature takers will take student temperatures while in the car. Once checked, students will use the St. Francis Garden door and will be taken straight to their classrooms. We do ask that you prepare a name tag for your child for the first day. Please make it so that it hangs around your child’s neck with their name, Pre-K 3 and Ms. Lisa on the tag so that your child is brought to my classroom. **Dismissal at Main Entrance Door Walkers will be dismissed from the Main Entrance. Please note we will be using pickup patrol as a way for you to communicate how your child will go home every day and who will be picking up your child. Children going to the After School program will be dismissed directly to an After School staff person. Your child will need a separate snack clearly marked with their name and After School. Since masks are making it harder to identify the person picking up, we ask for dismissal that you make a sign with your child’s name on it to hold up so we can dismiss your child to you. Please make sure everyone who will be picking up your child has one. **Bathroom Procedures Please make sure your child uses the bathroom before they come to school. Children are encouraged to use the bathroom, but must be able to care for themselves and manage their clothing (Pulling up underwear, pants, etc.) Please send in a change of clothing for your child in their backpack on Monday. I will place it in a plastic bag labeled with their name. The change of clothes will be kept in your child’s cubby. Your child will also have to wear their mask to, from and while in the bathroom. **Clothing Suggestions All clothing should be labeled with your child’s name on it. Try to avoid overalls, belts, and tights. Elastic waist is best. Sturdy, sensible shoes, with rubber soles should be worn. No heels or backless shoes. They are not safe for the playground. **Playground We like to go out to the playground whenever possible (weather permitting). Please dress your child appropriately. If it is possible to get outside, even for 5 minutes, we will. Hats and gloves should be sent in the backpack when the weather starts to change. The playground will be cleaned and disinfected after each use. **Snack Please put a small, healthy snack in a paper bag with your child’s name clearly marked. Snack should not be in your child’s lunch box. For snack your child will need a small snack, a drink and napkin. Snack time lasts about 15 minutes. This should not be mealtime. **Lunch Lunchboxes must be labeled with your child’s name on the top. Please practice with your child opening all items in their lunchbox. This will help limit the teacher touching your child’s lunch. **Rest time We will have a 20 minute rest time every day after lunch. Your child will have their own mat (purchased from the school) with their name labeled on it. The mats will be wiped down before and after rest time. **Specials Due to Covid-19, Pre-K will not be participating in specials. The classroom teacher will provide art, gym and music in the classroom with guidance from the specials teachers. **Emergency Phone Numbers It is of utmost importance to have an accurate and current emergency phone number in our records. Please notify us if any change should occur. No child will be allowed to go home with another parent unless the teacher is notified in writing or by a phone call to the office (516-746-6585 ext. 202) if an emergency arises. If a parent or babysitter is late, the teacher will take the child to the office to wait. If there is a cell phone number change, please update our records as soon as possible. **Communications Any notes from the teacher, nurse, principal, or PACE parents’ group will be sent to you via the child’s folder. Please check your child’s folder every day. Please put any notes from you in your child’s folder and it will be removed upon arrival. **Illness If your child is sick, please keep them home to prevent spreading the illness to other children and teachers in the classroom. If your child is out sick, please notify the school nurse at 516-746-6585 x555 or the main office at 516-746-6585 x202. Please also email me to let me know your child will be absent. All students are required to bring in an absent note when they return to school. If you visit the doctor due to illness a doctors note will be fine. I will email you a copy of the absent note template or you can scan it here! **Class Parties for Holidays We have a school wide no food for celebrations policy. For holiday celebrations we will ask two families to provide holiday related items. One family will be asked to provide plates and napkins for the children to eat their own snack and/or lunch on to make it more festive. The other family will be asked to provide a small unlabeled goody bag with a small token for the holiday (these goody bags may contain a few trinket/token items like holiday themed pencils/erasers, mini activity/coloring books, stickers, mini bubbles, stamps etc. No candy/food.) More information will be provided in the near future. **Birthday Celebrations We do a birthday spotlight in our classroom. A letter explaining the birthday spotlight will be sent home about a week before your child’s birthday. I will notify you by email asking when you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday in class. Summer birthdays will be assigned in May or June. We have a school wide no food policy for all birthdays celebrations. Goody bags for birthdays will not be given out as they are against school policy. Invitations to birthday parties outside of school will only be given out if the whole class is invited or all boys or all girls. *Supplies You should have all received the Pre-K supply list. If for any reason you did not receive it, it will be listed on my school webpage. We are grateful for donations throughout the year of antibacterial wipes for hands, Clorox wipes, Lysol spray and/or wipes, paper towels, tissues and hand sanitizer. I know it is very hard to find these items right now, but if you happen to find some, we would appreciate any donations to our classroom supply! If you have any specific concerns about your child or about the program, please be sure to speak directly to the teacher about it by scheduling an appointment, through a handwritten note, e-mail or telephone message. We are only too happy to accommodate your needs as best as possible. My e-mail address is [email protected] |